Monday, October 6, 2008

olivia hussey

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Personal life

Hussey was married first to actor Dean Paul Martin (son of the famous Rat Pack singer/actor, Dean Martin) in 1971 (he reportedly fell in love with her after seeing Romeo and Juliet, and sought her out). They had a son, Alexander Dean Martin (later an actor), in 1973, before divorcing in 1978. Dean Paul Martin met an untimely death in 1987 when his National Guard F-4 Phantom fighter jet crashed in California's San Bernardino Mountains during a snowstorm. Fourteen-year-old Alexander had watched his father take off on the ill-fated flight.

In 1980 Hussey married Japanese musician Akira Fuse (a rock star in his native Japan), and had one son, Max (born 1983), who nearly drowned in 1985 in a backyard swimming pool (Hussey called 911 in time). Divorced from Fuse in 1989, she married American musician David Glen Eisley in 1991. In October 1993, she gave birth to a daughter, India Eisley, now an actress who plays a series regular on the ABC Family teen drama The Secret Life of the American Teenager.

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